Category Archives: From other books

Why We Make Mistakes, Joseph T. Hallinan

P. 138 Many studies over the years have shown that men and women perceive and remember aspects of their lives in different ways— often from a very young age—and that the roots of some of our mistakes can be traced … Continue reading

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Why We Make Mistakes, Joseph T. Hallinan ***P. 162*** Summaries

162 Information Overload What might explain the persistence of such an illusion? Part of the answer lies in the beguiling power of information. The more we read (or see or hear, for that matter), the more we think we know. … Continue reading

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Why We Make Mistakes, Joseph T. Hallinan

p. 180 One-Trick Ponies Another problem with the bushwhack approach is that people tend to be one-trick ponies. If we learn to do something a certain way, we tend to stick with it. Psychologists refer to this mental brittleness as … Continue reading

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Why We Make Mistakes, Joseph T. Hallinan

p. 189 The lesson here should be obvious: simplify where you can, and build in constraints to block errors. Looking for Root Causes …mistakes attributed to human error often have deeper roots elsewhere. This is one reason why we so … Continue reading

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Why We Make Mistakes, Joseph T. Hallinan

p. 210 At first, this insight [the tiniest little change in circumstance can have big impacts on people’s behavior] may seem difficult to apply to our everyday lives because the connection between our circumstance and our (211) behavior often is … Continue reading

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Why We Make Mistakes, Joseph T. Hallinan

p. 213 Think Negatively Also, the next time you have a major decision to make, ask yourself: What could go wrong? This may strike you as needlessly pessimistic and even downright defeatist; since childhood most of us have been prodded … Continue reading

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Why We Make Mistakes, Joseph T. Hallinan

Why We Make Mistakes: How We Look Without Seeing, Forget Things in Seconds, and Are All Pretty Sure We Are Way Above Average by Joseph T. Hallinan      P. 215 It helps, too, to beware the anecdote. Remember the Nutri-System example? How did … Continue reading

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Taxifornia: Liberals’ Laboratory to Bankrupt America, James V. Lacy (Vromans)

Liberalism is to blame for California’s rotting economy. The biggest and most important state in America was once a land of opportunity in a wonderful climate. But times have surely changed. Things have never been worse for California and its … Continue reading

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Compelling People, John Neffinger & Matthew Kohut

From   In today’s selection — from Compelling People by John Neffinger and Matthew Kohut. When we assess the character of others, and when others assess our character, that judgment is based primarily on two factors — strength and warmth: … Continue reading

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Fate of the States, Meredith Whitney

From In today’s selection — from famed Wall Street forecaster Meredith Whitney in her new book Fate of the States. Although the trend of the last few decades has been the movement of people and wealth to the East and … Continue reading

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