Grow Up Proper, excerpt, Colisnicencu Daniel

Grave mistake

Most people in their twenties think they’re living the “golden years”.

They believe they must party now, because, after 30, it’s all over. There will be family and work and no time for fun.

And they are right.

How will they have time for fun with 10 years of unsolved problems piled up?

How can anyone expect to have money after 10 years of pointless spending?

How can anyone expect to be healthy after 10 years of fast food and drinking?

It is not time which makes people stop enjoying life, but what they’ve done with their time.

“You will have enough free time, but that shouldn’t be your main priority” said my teacher of law. “Partying is easy. Making a life for yourself… not so much.”

I could tell he was speaking from experience.

I could also tell he was not getting through to them. They seemed to say: “this sounds like a lot of trouble.”

Speaking to the walls

The teacher and his students would not come to an agreement that day.

He spoke of taking responsibility for your own self. They didn’t know what that meant.

He tried to make them think of their future. They tried not to.

He spoke to adults. They acted like children.

For the past 20 years, their parents made all of their decisions.

They did not learn that not thinking for yourself has consequences.

They simply went with the flow, but did not question where the flow is taking them.

Where is the flow taking you?

Imagine yourself 10 years from now. If you keep on doing what you’re doing, who will you be?

Remember: It is not the things you do once a month which determine how your life will turn out, but the things you do each day.

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