Girl in Translation, Jean Kwok

p. 44


It was freezing during those days I played hooky in that apartment. After skipping school for almost a week, I saw my first snowfall. Flakes came slanting down from the sky and at first, the concrete sidewalk absorbed them like a sponge. I touched the window with my hands, amazed it was cold when it seemed to me that the falling rice should be warm, as if it were a soup. With time, the ground became a blanket of white and gusts of wind blew snow from the rooftops, flurries swirling in the air.

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1 Response to Girl in Translation, Jean Kwok

  1. jlrodgers says:

    Her world vision, knowledge of rice, and lack of experience with snow, led her to believe that “the falling rice should be warm…a soup.” I never expected anyone to think snow looked like rice, appearing warm rather than cold.

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