Proper Confidence: Faith, Doubt and Certainty in Christian Discipleship, Lesslie Newbigin

“We are not, as we like to think, naturally lovers of the truth. It has become possible for us to know God and to speak confidently of God only because the beloved Son who knows the Father has taken our place in our estrangement from God and has made it possible to come to a true knowledge of God through Him.” This is not an achievement, or the fruit of our own effort or doing. He goes on, “So the revelation of God given to us in Him is not a matter of coercive demonstration but of grace, of a love that forgives and invites. That reality of grace governs both the confidence we have in speaking of God and the manner in which we must commend the gospel to others.” — p. 78

From Stuart McAllister, RZIM, Alpine church in Layton, Utah

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