Inspired by No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency, Alexander McCall Smith

I have been thinking. (Yes, I am reading The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series, and, yes, it is Mma Ramotswe’s manner of speaking that is in my head. But I digress….) I have been thinking about my fingers. My wedding ring is a bit loose, loose enough so that it turns inside gardening gloves, loose enough that I almost pulled it off when I was working in the garden without gloves. So, I have been taking my ring off when I’m working outside, and that is the reason I have looked at my fingers. I do not have pretty fingers. I have wrinkles around the knuckles. This has made me wonder if there is plastic surgery for fingers to smooth the skin, take the wrinkles away, make the knuckles virtually disappear. Then I think, but who would notice if you had plastic surgery on your fingers? Wouldn’t it be a better use of your money to have plastic surgery on the wrinkles on your face? But the wrinkles on my face, for the most part, don’t bother me. It is the wrinkles on my fingers that I dislike, and who is this plastic surgery for anyway? For me or for others? I wonder about ladies who have their faces worked on and I wonder what compels them to do that. (I am even wandering in thought as Mma Ramotswe does!). I also think about my fingers when I look at beautiful rings, and, if I had very pretty fingers, I would buy and wear many rings. Or at least I would wear another beautiful ring or two on my right hand. But even beautiful rings will not cover ugly knuckles.

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