Judi A. speaks at Oasis, overview

The Freedom of Thinking Biblically

Inductive study

  • What is it? Looking through the Bible to understand what the writer meant.
  • Why do it?  To find the intended meaning so that we know what God wanted to tell us.   So that the Bible becomes part of our lives because we know the full context.

Story – true life

  • Rules without reason
  • Rebellion or failure
  • Rebellion if we don’t know the whys, we don’t know why the rules are important.
  • Failure because nobody can keep all the rules.  We become discouraged and may simply stop trying.


  • Truth is true because it is true in all situations to all people in all cultures. Relative truth is an oxymoron, either it’s true or it’s not.
  • You can’t run from truth.
  • True is true and can’t become untrue and vice versa.
  • The Bible is either wholly true or it’s not; you can’t pick and choose.
  • Reality is true regardless of whether or not we believe it.

Legalism vs. God’s truth

  • Rote – legalism; familiar but not relevant
  • Recognition – beginning of understanding
  • Restating – fewer words, but keeps the same meaning
  • Relational – relationship with God

Components of world view

  • Origins – where we come from
  • Purpose – why we are here; God’s reason for putting us here
  • Morality – God’s influence in our lives and how we live
  • Destiny – what happens after this life

(M’s notes)

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