Part 3, Judi A. speaks at Oasis

World views

The Biblical world view is only one of many world views.

Our world view is the way we see things and the way we interpret them.

Four components of world view:

  1. Understanding of origin, which dictates view of  the other three components
  2. Understanding of purpose
  3. Understanding of morality
  4. Understanding of destiny (afterlife)


  1. Origin:  God created (this is why God as Creator is so important)
  2. Purpose:  we were created to have a relationship with Him
  3. Morality: moral framework established by God
  4. Destiny: to be in His presence or eternal separation


  1. spirit that is part of a greater cosmic spiritual self
  2. reintegrated  back into greater spiritual consciousness
  3. karma; no charity; suffering is your own fault
  4. look after self and upon death be burned and ashes thrown into Ganges River

In Christianity, throughout the Bible, Christians are commanded to care for orphans and widows.  Christians are commanded to “do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”  Christians are the ones reaching out to the “untouchables” in India.  Christians are the ones sending people, money, aid to help those the Hindus will not help because of their caste system.  Hindus’ belief in karma determines their world view that does not help the less fortunate or those who are suffering.  This was an eye-opening realization for me: that their world view is the reason for this.

Also an atheist’s world view would be that this world just happened, the purpose of life is to live for self, morality is situational and there is no absolute truth, and the end of life is oblivion.

However, reality is real whether it is believed or not.  God the Creator defines reality and He is sovereign.

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