Fairness, Part 2

Wednesday, April 28, 2010 at 3:44pm.

I have to overcome the notion of fairness in my life. For me, fairness is rooted in selfishness. It leads me down the wrong path. As Miss L would say, I need to see life and situations through God’s eyes, through the lens of His Word.

I personally need to seek to judge life’s issues and determine whether they are just or righteous, not based on fairness (i.e., how beneficial the outcome is to me).

Fairness is based on comparisons. We begin as little children complaining because someone else got the bigger slice of pie, or the longer turn, or the front seat the last time we rode in the car. Then we progress to coveting because someone has something we don’t have or more of something than we have, and whining because life isn’t fair.

I have seen many instances in society recently where the outcry is a variation on the lack of fairness, and again I believe that judging issues by “fairness” results in the wrong conclusion.

I have not been blameless, not in my assessment of social issues and not in my own personal life. I have accused God and situations of being unfair.

God has spoken: Life isn’t fair and He never said it would be. “Fair” is in the eye of the beholder; while justice and righteousness are measurements according to God’s unchanging character. .

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