Joyce Meyer: Reach out to others; God reaches out to us

Thursday, January 21, 2010 at 9:59am
“…How many of you see the beauty of God’s plan?  See, here’s the thing that I just couldn’t understand for a long time —— God will not enable me to help myself with the same problem that He will enable me to help somebody else with.  Agggg–ra–vating. (laughs)  It’s like, if  I can come and encourage you —–  why can’t I say the same thing to myself and it will work?  God wants us reaching out to other people and then He reaches out to us. HE reaches out to us….”
Then she continues to tell a funny and enlightening  story about her daughter and a grouchy clerk.
Of course, it is much better if you listen to Joyce Meyer herself: this part is about :46 to 1:40
I actually had a thought along these lines, when it seemed to me that God would give me verses to encourage others; yet the verse I got for myself was  Ecclesiastes 3:  To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven….     which didn’t seem to be much of a comfort at the time.
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